Trap every Sunday & Wednesday starts at 8am.

Trap fees per round       - WSC Members $5

                                             - Guests               $10

Trap shooting fundamentals.pdf

  • Basics

  • If you are leading your squad (meaning you are the shooter on post 1 when the round stars) visually check that everyone is at their post and ready before initiating each round of 5 shots.

  • During the round, if and when you move from post 5 to post 1, make sure to look to the leader of your squad and give him a thumbs up that you are ready. They may be waiting for you to be ready and set before continuing with their own shot.

  • Remain on your post, standing facing the trap quietly, until the fifth man has fired and then move to the next post.

  • At the end of the round remain still on your last post facing the trap until the last man has fired the last shot.
  • Do not have a loaded round in your action (regardless if your action is not closed) when walking from one post to another.
  • If using a Semi Auto Action Shotgun: make sure your gun is equipped with a shell catcher. No one likes when spent hulls are flung in their face.

  • Try not to talk or yell out as you may cause a clay to be thrown outside of your turn if the microphones pick up your voice.

  • If using a pump or semi auto: try not to close or open your action in front of the microphone as you may cause the machine to throw a target out of turn. Over under shooters that blow the smoke out of their barrel after shooting could cause the same thing to happen.

  • Wait till the end of the round to reach down and pick up empty shells from the ground. Movement from other shooters may distract someone who is lining up for their next shot.

  • Be mindful of your barrel. Even though you are working on your follow through in order to be the next Olympic hopeful, it tends to make people nervous when looking down the smoking barrel of a shotgun that was just fired and swung to the left or right too dramatically.

  • When closing your action make sure to have your barrel pointed down range. A lot of beginner shooters (more specifically pump action shooters) tend to close their action with the gun facing down towards the ground. If an accident were to happen not only would you most likely take off your own foot but you could seriously injure the people around you.

Keeping the above in mind will make you a better squad shooter and prep you for competition shooting. The end goal is for everyone to share the same common courtesy and in return, experience the same level of enjoyment from shooting.


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